Revelation – Chapter-4

Come  Let us adore Him                                (Chap. 4-5)

Heaven is a place of worship, and God’s people shall worship Him throughout all eternity. Perhaps it would be good for us to get in practice now! A study of (Rev.Chap.4-5)  will certainly help us to better understand how to worship God and give Him the glory that He deserves.  The apostle John had the special privilege of visiting heaven and was permitted to provide a detailed description of his vision.  Through John’s vision all believers have the privilege of previewing the place where they live forever.

This is John’s  second vision followed immediately after John’s vision of the risen, glorified Christ (1:9-20).

The key word in (chapter-4)  is Throne. It is used 14-times. In fact, this is a key word in the entire book, appearing 46-times. No matter what may happen on earth, God is on His throne and is in complete control and  John is emphasizing the glory and sovereignty of God. This is not a piece of furniture, but a symbol of God’s sovereign rule and authority is located in the temple in heaven.  The heavenly temple is not an actual building.  The Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are the temple.  What an encouragement that would be to the suffering saints of John’s day and of course every age in history.

The throne and the elders:(chap.4):

On the throne  – the Glory of the Almighty God (4: 23 a).

This is God the Father, since the Son approaches the throne in (Rev 5:6), and the Spirit is pictured before the throne in (Rev 4:5). There is no possible way for human words to describe what God is Like in His essence. John can only use comparisons. Jasper is a clear gem (Rev. 21:11) and the sardine is red. The Lord is robed in light.  Both the jasper and the sardius (sardine) were found in the breastplate of the high priest (Ex.28:17-21).

Around the throne:

John first noted that there was a rainbow around the throne. It looked like an emerald in appearance of green colour. A rainbow symbolizes God’s throne.  Rainbow also symbolizes God’s covenant faithfulness, mercy and grace. (Gen.9:13-17).  God’s attributes always operate in perfect harmony. His wrath never operates at the expense of His faithfulness.


John also saw 24-elders sitting upon 24 other thrones. They are the human representatives of the church but not angels.  No others have such blessings except the human beings.  It also indicates that they reign with Christ.  The church is repeatedly promised to rule with Christ.  (Matt.19:28;  Lk.22:30).  Christ promised all the believers at Sardis that they would be clothed in white garments,  in the same way the 24-elders are clothed with white garments. White garments  indicate Christ’s righteousness imputed to believers at Salvation. They also wore golden crowns on their heads which evidences that they are human beings.  This is a victor’s crown, worn by those who successfully competed and won. They are the loyal believers.

In the bible the number 24 is used to refer as completion and representation.  For Ex: there were 24-offices of sanctuary representing 24-courses of Levitical  priests (1Chr.24:4-5), 24-divisions of  singers in the temple (1 Chr.25).  Some people believe that the 24-represent 2-groups of 12, one representing the church and the other Israel.  It appears that this 24-elders represent the Raptured Church.  They have their crowns and live in the place prepared for them, where they have gone to be with Jesus (Jn.14:1-4).