Revelation – chapter-21

Everything is new: (chap. 21-22:5)

Believers, Missionaries, evangelists throughout the history  have filled the heaven and looking forward something new.  Human history began in a Garden and ends in a City.  In the Apostle John’s days, Rome was the admired city, yet God compared it to a harlot.  That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God (Lk.16:15). The eternal city of God is compared to a beautiful bride (Rev 21:9), because it is the eternal home for God’s beloved people.

We can make a comparative study between the old creation and New creation of God. “Behold, I make all things new… It is done!” (21:5).  What began in Genesis is brought to completion in Revelation.



Heavens and earth created (1:1) New Heavens and earth created (21:1)
Sun created (1:16) No need of the sun  (21:23)
The night established (1:5) No night there  (22:5)
The seas created. (1:10) No more seas (21:1)
The curse announced (3:14-17) No more curse (22:3)
Death enters history (3:19) NO more death (21:4)
Man driven from the tree (3:24) Man restored to paradise (22:14)
Sorrow and pain begin (3:17) No more tears or pain (21:4)

Sadly today’s church is caught up with mad rush for material comfort and has become worldly. Believers must focus that for the citizenship in heaven (Phil 3:20). Paul says:  “Set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on earth” (Col.3:1b-2).

The word  heaven’  is  told more than 500 times in the Bible. Heaven is an actual place, not a state of spiritual consciousness.

  • The first heaven is the earth’s atmosphere (Gen. 1:20; Job. 12:7; Eze. 38:20).
  • The second heaven is the interplanetary and interstellar space (Gen. 15:5; 22:17; Ps. 8:3; Isa. 13:10).
  • The third heaven is the dwelling place of God (1 Ki. 8:30; Job. 22:12; Ps. 14:2)

When believers die, they will transported to 3rd heaven directly (1 Cor. 15:51-55; 1 Thes. 4:13-18).