Revelation – Chapter-19

The Joy in Heaven and Jesus Christ’s Second Coming:     (chap19):

This has been long awaited by all saints and believers and God is making it possible now.  Many philosophers, learned men tried to visualise but dumb folded.  This chapter-19 explains very clearly with simple language to all those who read and study step-by-step events of the final consummation.

The Joy in Heaven:  19:1-10):

There are 4-reasons why the heaven is so joyful during these end times:

  1. Full Salvation is granted to all believers: (19:1):  Apostle John sees a new vision after the destruction of Babylon( chap. 17-18) and before the triumphant return of the Lord Jesus Christ (chap.19) and establishes Millennial kingdom (chap.20-21).  John hears something like a loud voice of great multitude in haven consisting of redeemed saints and the uncounted millions of holy angels. They all say with great exclamation “Hallelujah!” means praise the Lord.  The Heaven’s chorus is sung because the Salvation has come for God’s people and the glory and power that belongs to God have been put on display.  This Salvation is the final aspect of Salvation history, the glorification of the saints in Christ’s kingdom.
  2. Justice is provided: (19:2-4): The harlot and the great beast (apostate religious system and Satanic economic-political system led by the world)  have been destroyed.  Both were guilty of persecuting God’s people and martyring many of them. The song emphasizes God’s attributes, which is the proper way to honour Him. We do not rejoice at the sinfulness of Babylon, or even the destruction  of Babylon’s fall. We rejoice that God is “true and righteous” (15:3; 16:7; 17:6) and that He is glorified by His holy judgments.  Further the rebellion that started in the garden of Eden is finally ended.  The language is similar to that used of God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen.19:28). The smoke that rises forever and ever indicates that the Judgement is final and irreversible.
  1. God is in control of the situation: (19:5-6):   The Lord is   The Book of Revelation is the “book of the throne,” and the omnipotent God has indeed been accomplishing His purposes on earth.   God has been reigning on the throne of heaven, but He is now about to conquer the thrones of earth as well as the kingdom of Satan and the beast.  In His sovereignty, He has permitted evil men and evil angels to do their worst; but now the time has come for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Domitian was the emperor of Rome when John was exiled in  Patmos, and one of his assumed titles was “Lord and God.” How significant it must have been, then, to John’s readers that the Apostle John used the word Hallelujah   four times in the first six verses of this chapter. Only our God Jehovah is worthy of worship and praise.  Hallelujahs also ring out from other heavenly residents.  The 24-elders and the 4-living creatures (Cherubim, a high ranking order of angels) prostrate before God’s throne. They also say “Amen Hallelujah!”  The voice of an angel referring “our God and authoritatively calls another group to join the praises.  The redeemed believers in heaven are called  “God’s bond servants.” They too join with the heavenly chorus and making  it loud as the voice of great multitudes.  The loud chorus or praise rose to a deafening sound of mighty peals of thunder making it climax with the beautiful description  that “For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.”   For the evil world system has been destroyed and God’s kingdom has come in its fullness.