Revelation – Chapter-6

The seal judgements:                  (Chap.6)

In chap.5, the Lord Jesus Christ received a scroll sealed with 7-seals.  The scroll deed didn’t contain a description of Christ’s inheritance, but details of how He will reclaim what is rightfully His. In this chapter-6, He will unroll the scroll which marks the beginning of Gods judgement.

John now begins to describe the first half of Daniel’s 70th week (Dan. 9:27), that is the 7-year period of tribulation. The Lamb has taken the sealed book (His title deed to creation); He is about to open the seals and declare war on the godless world. With the opening of each seal in heaven, an important event will take place on earth.

We can also compare the 7-seal judgement with Jesus’s words in Matthew.

Jesus’ words The seal Its contents
Matt.24:4-5 1st seal False peace
Matt.24:6-7 2nd seal Worldwide war
Matt.24:7 3rd Seal Famine
Matt.24:7 4th Seal Earthquakes, death.
Matt.24:9 5th Seal Divine judgement
Matt.24:29 6th Seal Cosmic darkness – physical destruction
Matt.24: 7th Seal Cataclysmic events (the 7-trumpets)

The First seal       False Peace:  (6:1-2)                    White Horse

The focus now shifts from heaven to earth, the events through the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Having received from His Father the title deed to the earth (5:7), the Lamb broke the first of the 7-seals.  As each seal is broken in the vision, what is written on the scroll is not read, but acted out.  Immediately John heard one of the 4-living creatures saying with a powerful voice of thunder, “Come”  just as today’s  court scene.  In response to the angelic summons, a white horse came forth bearing its rider.

“Behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer.”  (6:2). This rider is a great future world leader. The bow is a symbol of his control over weapons of war. Since the rider shows no arrows it could mean that he conquers by the threat of the power he displays and when this rider rides, he does not conquer using actual military force. Daniel tells us there is one who is coming who “by peace will destroy many.”And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.(Dan 8:25).

First Seal: 

Most pre-millennial experts in bible prophecy believe that this rider is the world leader that later will be indwelt by Satan and become the Beast Antichrist. This passage may be speaking of his rise to power on earth that establishes the revived Roman Empire. This rider although has a crown from the world for his triumphant achievements leading to world peace.  He will not conquer the world by military force, but by deceit (2 Thes.2:9-11). His conquest will be a peace won by agreement not conflict (Dan.9:24-27) Even as the final doom approaches, Antichrist will promise a golden age of peace and prosperity.  In gratitude to him, the world would elevate him to the position of supreme leadership.  Yet his promises and peace would be short lived.

The second seal       –        Worldwide war(6:3-4)             Red Horse

Red is a color associated with terror and carnage. In Revelation we have the red horse of war (6:3-4), the red dragon (12:3), and the red beast (17:3). Note that God gives Antichrist authority to take peace from the earth; this is all a part of the divine plan. Antichrist exchanges his arrowless bow for a great sword, and men begin to kill each other.  

Red Horse                                    

The rider of the horse was granted to take peace from earth. All this happens under God’s control. God allows false peace and ends it by bringing war on the earth.  The Lord Jesus described this: “you will be hearing wars and rumours of war …. Nations will rise against nation and kingdom and kingdom”. (Matt.24:6-7).  Men will kill one another on an unprecedented scale. Antichrist will play a major role in the wars that follow.  Antichrist’s setting up of the abomination of desolation (Dan.11:31-45) will touch off a massive conflict.  As the head of the Western confederacy, Antichrist will initially portray himself as a champion of peace.  He will even appear to bring peace to the troubled Middle East.  He will make a treaty with Israel, posing as their protector and defender.  Very soon he will dominate and will crush the rebellion until the completion of Tribulation period.  Finally when Jesus Christ returns from Heaven, Antichrist and the other demons will be cast into the lake of fire forever (20:10).