Revelation – Chapter-14

Tribulation announcements:                             (Chap.14)

The 1,44,000 evangelists:

In contrast to the distressing scenes in (Chap.13),  we find 1,44,000 evangelists who have gained the victory over the beast and its image and  now brought to view. This  same group of 144,000  in (7:3-4)  received the seal of God in their foreheads. They have the Father’s name written in their minds and hearts showing that they are His people who reflect His character of love.

Their lifestyle:  (14:2-3):  They sing a “new song” that no one else can learn. This group gains the victory over the beasts and his mark. The 1,44,000 will join in the heavenly song of redemption. With all the trouble they have faced, one might expect them to be too sorrowful to sing.  However, they will joyously praise the Lord for their protection and triumph. They sing with musical quality like the harpist playing on their harps. The new song sung in heaven is the song of redemption. The angels will join the Old Testament Saints, the Raptured church and the Redeemed tribulation Martyrs in praising God for salvation.  The entire heaven will overflow with praise because God’s redemptive work culminating in the return of Christ is accomplished.

Further the Apostle John says that “no one could learn the song except the 1,44,000  who had been purchased from the earth.  Why the song is restricted to only 1,44,000  is not known.

Their characteristics: (14:4a):   As the “redeemed from the earth,” they are alive to witness the second coming of Jesus, and will never experience death. They have a unique experience that no one else has ever had. They are said to be “virgins,”  not defiled with women.  This means that they have not accepted the doctrines of the corrupt and apostate churches. Most likely this 1,44,000 evangelists will continue their evangelistic work throughout that 1000-year period.  The redeemed people will enter the kingdom, the children born to them (Isa. 65:23)  will not all believe. In fact  there will be enough un-regenerated people by the end of the millennium for Satan to lead a worldwide rebellion against Christ’s rule (20:7-10).  That’s why scripture speaks of salvation even during the millennium (Isa. 60:3;  Zech. 8:23).

Their purpose:  (14:4b-5): They will be following the Lamb wherever He goes.  These people  have been purchased for a special purpose just like  in the O.T, the first fruits were offered to God to be used in His service (Deu. 18:3-5).  The 1,44,000 like the first fruits offering, will be set apart for divine service.  The purpose of their lives will be to serve the Lord by proclaiming the gospel to the lost. They will be diligent to present themselves as one approved to God as (workmen) who do not need to be ashamed. (2 Tim. 2:15).  They will be blameless which does not mean they are sinless, but they are above reproach, leading godly lives before all who see them.

The Three Angels (14: 6-11):

The  messages of 3-angels are utmost importance for the world. They are God’s last call to the world before Christ comes (14:14).

The First Angel:   Preaching the Gospel:  (14:6-7):

This angel has the “everlasting gospel” to preach “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” The attacks of Satan had so weakened God’s true church that the angel takes the Gospel to  whole world (Matt.28:19-20). Here God’s purposes will go forward to the completion. In the early 18thcentury  God worked through faithful men to create a mighty advancement in spiritual fervour. This hastened the good news of the gospel forward by leaps and bounds throughout the world. Christ prophesied that “this gospel of the kingdomshall be preached in all world  and then shall the end come” (Matt.24:14).