Revelation – Chapter-13

The features of Antichrist: (Chap.13)

This chapter introduces 3-things.

  1. The beast out of the sea (13:1ff).
  2. The beast out of the earth (13:1 ff).
  3. Satan’s evil trinity 666.

The beast out of the sea:  (13:1-10)

The sea symbolizes the nations (17:15), as does the sand of the sea (20:8). The beast  must be understood  as representing both a kingdom and a  person.  This demon possessed man will be a gifted orator, an intellectual genius, possessing great charm and charisma and have immense leadership power.  Yet no one in human history will be more completely the devil’s child than the Antichrist. This beast had 10-horns and 7-heads with 10-crowns on his horns and on each head a blasphemous name.  The 7-heads representing 7-successive world empires:  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and Antichrist’s final world kingdom.  As the Apostle John looked more closely at the beast, he saw that it incorporated the characteristics of the animals from the vision recorded in (Dan. 7:3-7), i.e. the leopard, bear and lion.

Who is the Beast?  We may find some differences in (Rev. 13 and 17). It is important to note that three times we are told of his wound (13:3,12,14). This might suggest that the Beast will be slain and raised from the dead. In (11:7 and 17:8), we are told that the Beast ascends out of the pit, which certainly suggests a resurrection. Some think he will be Judas, raised from the dead. Both the Beast and Judas are called “the son of perdition” (Jn. 17:12; 2 Thess. 2:3); Judas is called “a devil” (Jn. 6:70). Whoever he might be, the Beast is Satan’s superman, his counterfeit Christ. The whole world will admire the Beast and worship Satan, something Satan has always craved.

The beast becomes the  head of the federation of Europe, working in close co-operation with the world church (Rev.17). He will pretend to be obedient to this apostate religious system and will use it to further his own conquests. About the middle of the Tribulation, Egypt and Russia will invade Palestine (Eze. 37-38), forcing the Beast to protect the Jews for 3 ½ years (Dan. 9:27). When the Beast gets to Israel, he will find that God has defeated Russia; and the Beast will decide to conquer Israel promising them the protection of the federation of Europe that he controls. But now this world ruler (the beast) reveals his true  character. He will at this point destroy the apostate church (the harlot of Rev.17) and set himself up as the ruler and god of the world. Satan will give him power to do wonders.  God will allow “strong delusion” to come upon the unbelieving world. People would not accept Christ, who is the Truth, but they will receive Antichrist, “The Lie” (2 Thess.2).   The Beast will blaspheme the church in heaven and persecute the believing Jewish remnant on earth. At this point he will also slay the two witnesses, whose bodies will be raised from the dead after three and one-half days (11:11ff).

This chapter introduces us to the three key characters in the drama of the last half of the Tribulation: Satan the dragon, the false Christ, and the false prophet. These three are, in a sense, an evil trinity, opposing the true God and His people on earth.

The Beast out of the Earth: (13:11-18)

The beast from the earth is called “the false prophet” (16:13; 19:20; 20:10).  The dragon or Satan is the counterfeit Father (“I will be like the Most High”), “the beast” is the counterfeit Christ, and the false prophet is the counterfeit Holy Spirit. This completes the satanic trinity.

The image of the horns (13:11) suggests that the false prophet has authority, but the absence of a crown indicates that his authority is not political. Our Lord warned that there would be false prophets (Matt. 24:11, 24), and this one will be the greatest. He will have the “character” of a lamb but the voice of the dragon.