Revelation – Chapter-10 and 11


  • A time for testimony:         (chap. 10-11)

Before the 7th Trumpet sounds, there will be an intervening period which covers (10:1 to 11:14). This intervening period encourages Gods people in the midst of the fury and horror of divine judgement. During this period God comforts His people with the knowledge that He has not forgotten them and they will ultimately be victorious. Of all  intervening periods viz,  in Seal judgement, and Bowl judgement, this period between 6th and 7th trumpet is the longest. This is an assurance from God that He has not forgotten His servants and He still controls events and protects His own.

  1. The testimony of the unusual angel: (chap.10)

The description of the angel(10:1-4):   This is an amazing mighty angel because he has some similarities to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • He is strong and distinct from other six trumpet angels. He has a spectacular attire. He was clothed with a cloud, wearing the drapery of the sky over his mighty shoulders. It symbolises that he comes bringing judgement.  Clouds are also associated with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. When God appeared to Moses, it was in a cloud of glory ( 24:15ff; 34:5). “[He] maketh the clouds His chariot” (Ps. 104:3). A cloud received Jesus when He ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9); and, when He returns, it will be with clouds (Rev. 1:7).
  • He has a rainbow upon his head. “Iris (rainbow) was the Greek word. Greek Iris was used to describe any bright halo surrounding another object viz, circles surrounding the peacock’s eyes. Here it is described as many coloured rainbow around the angel’s head which reflects the glorious splendour.  While the cloud symbolizes judgement, the rainbow represents God’s covenant mercy in the midst of judgement. After the Noah’s flood God gave the rainbow  as a sign of His promise never again to destroy the world by water (Gen.9:12-16).  Here the angel with the crown of rainbow is a reassurance to God’s people that God’s mercy will follow them in the midst of coming judgement.
  • His brilliant glory lit up the earth like the blazing sun. The angel’s feet and legs as being like firm, stable, immovable pillars of fire which again describes his unbending holiness in stamping out his judgement on the earth.
  • His voice like a lion suggests (5:5). He appears as kingly angel.
  • The angel has a little scroll in his hand and takes an awesome posture putting his right  foot on the seas and left foot the ground  symbolizes conquering and taking possession of his territory.  He is claiming the whole world.
  • He cried with a loud voice like the lion roars. His loud cry reflects the power and authority of God. The roaring also symbolizes with the judgement (Jer.25:30).
  • When the mighty angel roared, 7-peals of thunder uttered their voices which Apostle John was forbidden to write.   7-represents the completeness and perfection.  Thunder is the mark of the judgement. The 7-peals of thunder gives a marked communication, but John was told to seal up the things which the 7-peals of thunder have spoken. Whether it was the voice of the Father, Jesus Christ or an angel is not revealed. The reason was also not given.  It may be that the judgement is simply too terrifying to be recorded.  Any speculation as what the specific content is pointless. It is useless for us to speculate when God chooses to veil His truth (Deu.29:29)

The declaration of the angel:  (10:5-7):  the declaration fills us with awe.  It was solemn scene with his hand lifted to heaven as though he was under oath. The angel took his vow in the name of “ Him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it and the sea and all that is in it”  is a powerful statement recognising God as the eternity and Sovereignty power all creation.

The specific content of the angel’s oath was that there will be no more delay!  Answering  the question of the martyrs, “How long?”(6:10) and the prayers of the saints in (8:3-5).  He also says:  “but in the days of the voice of the 7th trumpet is about to come” which means that it is not a single event, but covers days, indicating a period of time.  This period includes 7-bowls judgements (16:1-21) which require  a few weeks or months to unfold.

The sounding of the 7th trumpet brings the final judgement depicted in the bowls of fury poured out on the earth which again depicts that God’s patience is seen as ended, the time of final acts of judgement is seen as being at hand.This would unfold all the mysteries given in the Scripture (10:7).  Paul says these mysteries were hidden from ages.viz.

  1. The mysteries of the kingdom (Matt. 13:11)
  2. The mystery of Israel’s blindness (Rom.11:25).
  3. The mystery of the rapture (1 Cor. 15:51).
  4. The mystery of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:7).
  5. The mystery of Christ and Christ the church (Eph. 3:4; 5:32).
  6. The mystery of Christ in the believer (Col. 1:26-27).
  7. The mystery of incarnation (1 Tim. 3:16).

The signal for this mystery’s completion is the sounding of the seventh trumpet (11:14-19)