Romans – Chapter-9


The apostle dealt about God’s glorious provisions for believers of Jews and Gentiles from (chap.1 to 8). Throughout these chapters, the Gentiles were replacing or being grafted into God’s plan.  So this has brought doubts in the minds of Jews whether God rejects the promised generation? To get back into it, Paul introduces 3-phrases:  Israel’s election in the past (chap.9), Israel’s rejection because they have rejected the Messiah (chap.10),  Israel’s restoration in  (chap.11).  “These three chapters explain in the simple way how God saves His people.” (Morris).

Israel’s past election and God’s restoration:       (chap.9)

Paul’s sorrow for Israel:  (9:1-5):

In (chap.8), Paul spoke  about the glory of God and nothing can separate us from the love of God, but now Paul seems to be very sombre  in his tone. The apostle uses every possible assurance to declare his great sorrow over Israel.  When he looked at Christ, he rejoiced, but when he looked at the lost people of Israel, he wept.

Apostle Paul gives one of the most solemn oaths and speaks that his conscience was free from all guile in this matter and the Holy Spirit bore him testimony that what he said was true. He shows his intense love for his people and stands between God and Israel just like Moses who stood between the erring Israelites  and God.  “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made themselves gods of gold.  But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written”  (Ex.32: 31-32). By rejecting Christ and the Gospel, Jews found themselves cast out of the church.  This thought Paul had already brought out in (3:21-31), but he found it fit to elaborate  now.  Paul makes a strong statement that he is willing to be separated from Jesus if that could somehow accomplish the salvation of Israel. He had a great passion to save the perishing Jews.  He makes an intercessory prayer. When we have bigger grief, the lesser worries would not bother us. Spurgeon said:  “if you are concerned about the souls of men,  get your soul full of a great grief, and your little grief’s will be driven out.”  It is difficult to comprehend the love Moses and Paul had displayed for their own people.

God brought out a nation from Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and  Jacob) adopted as His own people.  He made a covenant with Abraham.  Further God gave additional covenants to Moses and to David and His Law to govern the people, politically,  socially  and in religious life too. He gave them the promises and blessing to  obey Him. He gave them the Tabernacle and the temple. The purpose of all of this blessing was that through Abraham and David’s  lineage, Jesus Christ might come into the world.  Israel not only gave us the great fathers or Patriarchs of the Old Testament, but Jesus Himself came from Israel.  In spite of the great spiritual legacy Israel’s unbelief, makes Paul all the more anguish.  Paul was convinced that Israel was headed for destruction, despite all their advantages.

We can give short summary of what God has done to the people of Israel:

  • The adoption: The adoption took place when God made the covenant with them at Horeb (Ex. 4:22; Deu.14:1).
  • The glory: God manifested to Israel through the cloud and pillar and the Shekinah or the divine presence appearing between the cherubim over the mercy-seat. These are very unique events and no other nation had such things.
  • The covenants: God made covenant with Abraham, further He gave 10-commandments and laws  (Deu.29:1ff).  God renewed the covenant time to time with Abraham.  The covenant also included the possession of  the land of Canaan.
  • The giving of the law: Lord gave rules, laws of moral and political precepts and revealed His will to them.  No other nation ever had such revelation of God’s will.
  • The service: The Lord gave ordinances, rites, ceremonies of religious worship including the sacrificial system in order to come before God.
  • The promises: The Israelites were promised the land of Canaan.  They were also promised of the coming Messiah.

Although Gentiles too had some of the advantages viz. adoption,  a new covenant and wonderful promises, Paul seems to be referring  to special events given above in Israel’s history.  But all these were a head start in salvation, they wouldn’t help them much. The Jews were proud of these things, but  they were overlooking the best things which is the ultimate Salvation through Christ Jesus only.  What a pitiable condition they are in!

God’s  sovereign selection  (choice):  (9:6-29):

Paul gives 6-examples of God’s sovereign selection.