Revelation – Introduction

During Christ’s earthly ministry, John and his brother James asked Jesus for special places of honour by His throne. The Lord told them that they would have to merit their thrones by sharing in His suffering. James was the first apostle martyred (Acts 12:1-2); John was the last of the Apostles to die, but he suffered on Patmos before his death (Matt 20:20-23).

In (chap.1-3), Christ is seen as the exalted Priest-King ministering to the churches. In (chap. 4-5), He is seen in heaven as the glorified Lamb of God, reigning on the throne. In (chap. 6-18), Christ is the Judge of all the earth; and in (chap.19), He returns to earth as the conquering King of kings. The book closes with the heavenly Bridegroom ushering His bride, the church, into the glorious heavenly city.


S NO. Title Chapter
1. A very special book 1
2. Christ and the 7-Churches 2 – 3
3. Come, Let us adore Him!

·        Throne and the elders.

·        Worship of the Redeemer




4. The seal (vials) judgement 6
5. Beginning of the tribulation 7
6. The Trumpets judgement 8 – 9
7. A  Time for Testimony 10 – 11
8. The Terrible Trio:

·        The War

·        The features of antichrist.




9 Vioces of Victory:

·        Tribulation announcement

·        Prelude to  Bowl judgement

·        The 7-Bowl judgement





10 Desolation and Destruction: (17-18):

·        Destruction of false religion.

·        Destruction of Babylon (Commercial world)




11. Joy in Heaven and Christ’s Second coming 19
12. Millennium 20
13. Everything New (21-22:1-5)
14 Comfort and warning (22:6-21)

 Further the the Book of Revelation can be divided into 4-parts study and understanding:

Parts Chapters Contents

Warning to Believers

(01-06) a)     01 – Introduction

b)     02-03  Letters to the 7-Churches.

c)     04  – Throne room of God.

d)     05 –  John sees Scroll with 7-seals.

e)     Perhaps the Rapture of the Church.

f)       06 – Six seals are opened, its consequences



Rapture and Revelation

(07-14) a)     07 – Talks of 144,00 and others go through Tribulation.

b)     08 – 7th Seal is opened, announces 7-Trumpets

c)     08-09 – First Six-Trumpet sounds, its consequences

d)     10 –   Seven-thunders to announces 7th Trumpet – First part of Tribulation {3 ½ yrs.}  ends

e)      11 – Two end-time prophets (witnesses) for 3 ½  yrs.

f)       12 – End time church.

g)     13 – Beast and the false prophet

h)     14 – End of the world – Return of the Jesus Christ – Revelation, beginning of plagues and wrath of God.



1000-yr. reign, White Throne judgement.

(15-20) a)     15-16 Plagues of the wrath of God.

b)     17-18  Destruction of world power (Babylon-Great whore).

c)     19 – Marriage supper of the Lamb and  Armageddon.

d)     20 – Satan imprisonment,  the 1000-year reign of Jesus, the battle of God and Magog, Satan is loosened for a short time. Great White-Throne judgement.


Everything New.

(21-22) a)     New Earth, Heavenly city Jerusalem descends, Believers in the most wonderful place.

The book of Revelation is full of Number Seven (7):

  • Seventy Seven years of Daniel’s prophecy will be fulfilled.
  • Seven Beatitudes: (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14).
  • Seven Churches.
  • Seven Years of Tribulations.
  • Seven Seals.
  • Seven Trumpets.
  • Seven bowls (vials).