Revelation -Chapter-7

The Tribulationof Saints:(chap.7)
In the 6th chapter many people hide in the rocks as the judgement of God was unleashing. After this there would be a period of calm and lull because God’s wrath is going to come upon them. “The great day of their wrath has come and who is able to stand?” (6:17) The Lord introduces 2-groups who will survive God’s wrath.  The first group consists of Jewish evangelists who will be preserved on earth (7:1-8).  God will also protect them from the murderous efforts of Antichrist to wipe out believers.  Having survived the wars, famines, and unprecedented natural disasters, they will enter the millennial kingdom alive.  The second group consists of martyrs during the tribulation period (7:9-17).
1,44,000  Jews protected: (7:1-8):

John sees a vision before the opening  of the 7th seal. He saw 4-angels who are given power over the elements of nature. These 4-angels hold back the wind which in other words, there would a period of quiet and calm before the great wrath. The winds, storms etc are often associated with God’s wrath.

Another angel  i.e. 5thangel  seen ascending from the east. For Patmos island, Jerusalem falls on east side. The angel had had with him, “the seal of the living God.”  The fifth-angel was seen crying out “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.” The harm that will come upon the earth, the sea and the trees will occur when the 4-angels suddenly release the judgement they have been restraining.  But the judgement had to wait until the angels had sealed the bond-servants of God on their foreheads.  These people are already redeemed ones because they have received God’s seal. They can continue to witness about Christ.  After the sealing is complete, the judgement will begin. They are morally pure, undefiled and have devotion to Christ (Rev.14:1-5).They are also described as having been “purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb”(14:4).  They will be the most effective missionaries the world has ever seen, and will be instrumental in the conversion of both their own country-men and the nations.

1,44,000 Jews

The 1,44,000 are not all Jewish believers at that time, but a unique group selected to proclaim the gospel in that day (12:17; 14:1-5).  They will come from every tribe of the sons of Israel, but definitely the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  That there are 12,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel speaks of God’s elective purpose. The tribal records are lost  because Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70.

Three interesting features here are:

  1. Here Judah is listed first even though Reuben was the first born because Reuben forfeited his birth-right as punishment for his sexual misconduct with his father’s concubine (1 Chr. 5:1).
  2. The omission of tribe Dan is in favour of the priestly tribe of Levi  is because Dan’s idolatry (Deu.29:18-21), although Dan will share in the millennial blessings (Eze.48:1-2, 32).  Dan tribe will not be protected for this duty during the tribulation.
  • Ephraim is omitted in favour of his father Joseph because Ephraim defected from the ruling house of Judah (Isa. 7:17).  Ephraim also sinned due to idol worship like Dan. His brother Manasseh is included because he was the faithful son of Joseph.

From the Jewish people, great missionaries will arise during the time of tribulation.

The redeemed believers:  (7:9-17)

Revelation describes that vast multitude of people from all the nations of the world who will be saved during the coming tribulation. This could include those of Israel who are saved during the preaching of 1,44,000 people.The great multitudes pictured here came from all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues” (Rev. 7:9). “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” was our Lord’s mandate (Mk. 16:15).

One of the elders explained it to John (Rev. 7:14)  that: they are Gentiles who have been saved through faith in Christ during the Tribulation. (We can see  this same group again in Rev. 14). Today in most parts of the world, it is relatively easy to confess Christ, this will not be the case during the Tribulation, at least during the last half of it. Then, unless persons wear the “mark of the beast,” they will not be able to buy or sell; and this would leave them without even life’s bare necessities. (Rev.7:16 indicates that they suffered hunger, thirst and lack of shelter.

The fact that they are standing before the, throne and not seated around it indicates that these people are not identified with the 24-elders. In fact, John himself did not know who they were! If they had been Old Testament believers, or the church, John would have recognized them. That the elder had to tell John who they were suggests that they are a special people.

  • John had seen gentiles coming to Christ through his own ministry and the ministries of Paul, Timothy, Titus and others.  Gentile churches were founded yet they were very small, beleaguered and persecuted.  This vision must surely have renewed his joy and hope as he realized that the church would survive and in the end people from different nations would be saved in great numbers.
  • This great multitude is countless.   The redeemed were clothed in white robes.  As the tribulation  extendingup to 7-years, the number of martyrs keep on increasing along with number of people who die naturally, violently, eventually accumulating into the vast uncountable multitude.
  • These people also held palm branches shouting, like (Jn.12:13) Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.  It is fitting celebration of Christ’s salvation. The great multitude was standing before the throne of God in heaven.  In (Rev. 5:6)  the believers were asking “how long Oh Lord?”  but here they are joyfully  praising God.  Their prayers of intercession have ceased and they are glorifying and praising God.
  • The multitude of believers before God’s throne were not alone in their loud worship.  An uncountable number of angels (first reported in earlier vision of 5:11) joined them. They are also joined by 4-living creatures (Cherubim   who are exalted order of angels) and 24-elders  all together glorify God.  Overwhelmed by God’s glory, all present fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God. Recognising God’s sovereignty and holiness, the worshippers utter a benediction bracketed front and back with the affirmation “Amen” meaning “let it be.”
  • God’s presence “Shekinah” over these persecuted believers.  These believers will have witnessed unspeakable suffering and indescribable horrors as God’s judgements were poured out on the world.  They will have suffered terrible persecution at the hands of Antichrist and his followers. But when they come to the God’s presence, they will come to a heavenly sanctuary, the most secure place.
  • These people must have endured hunger, thirst and scorching heat as the sun beat down on them (during tribulation Rev.16:9).  Now they will enjoy eternal satisfaction, for the Lam in the centre of the throne (5:6) will be their shepherd and will guide them to springs of the water of life.

In these days, when believers are under siege on all sides, it is comforting to be reassured of the ultimate triumph of God’s saving grace.  God will redeem His people.  This thought should bring all believers great comfort and motivate us to praise God for the greatness of His plan.

Revelation (7: 1-8) Revelation (7:9-17)
Jews Gentiles
Numbered   1,44,000 Un-numbered,  Countless,.
From 12-tribes each of 12,000 From every nation, tribe, region, caste, culture etc.
Sealed on earth Standing before the Throne.
Tribulation will not harm them Gone through trials and tribulations