A call to remember: (1:17-19)
- Remember who gave the word (1:17): Apostles wrote the books. They have personally walked and talked with God. Their writings are true and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Viz, Matthew, Mark, Peter, John, James, Jude etc.
- Remember what they said: (1:18)” Intellectuals do not believe Bible because of their moral problems. Bible is very straight. It is a double edged sword. Bible warns of mockers who walk according to their lusts. In this world of religious show, the only way is just to believe the word of God and obey the Lord Jesus Christ as our God and Saviour.
- Remember why they said: (1:19): The false prophets bring lot of divisions in the Church. They bring strange doctrines. This was happening even in the 1st So now the believers need not feel it as a strange occurrence because the Scripture has also warned us.
Believer’s behaviour (1:20-23):
- We should expect problems: We should not be surprised when things go wrong in the church. Some Christians are over alarmed. Both OT prophets and NT apostles have told to expect things to go wrong. Jesus himself warned us about wolves in sheep’s clothing. Since we are not entirely saved, we are bound to have problems in the church.2.
- We must resist : We must resist the behaviour of false teachers and godless ones. In the last days there would be scoffers and godliness would be a joke.
- Build the body of Christ: Build our Christian life and our values on Holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.
- Maintain good fellowship with believers: Jude calls all the believers to be surrounded by the love of God, maintain a strong Christian fellowship, putting ourselves on the mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Rescue others: Jude urges believers to help those who are wavering. They must be talked or argued but in tender way to bring them back in the fold. He uses the word snatch them from fire. The world is drowning and people are on the road to destruction. The Church and the believers must start a rescue act to save as many as possible.
CT Studd, the famous English cricketer who went as a Missionary to India, Africa and China said: “Some wish to live within the sound of Church or Chapel bell; I want to run a Rescue Shop within a yard of hell” – C. T. Studd.
6. Those who are in mortal danger: Those who have been led further into mortal danger because they have already started to believe the new ideas.
7. Be merciful but hate the sins: Be merciful to sinners. Encourage and counsel those who are weak and carried away into the world. But donot yield to his level thereby temptations will take you into sin. Hate the very acts of sins and corruption.
Benediction: (1:24-25)
- God is able to guard us: If we want to keep our feet on the ground spiritually, walk straight, and not stumble, then we must yield ourselves fully to the Saviour. He alone is able to guard us, He is able if we are willing! Jude was not writing about the possibility of the believer sinning and falling from God’s family. If we do disobey God, we may confess our sins and receive His forgiveness (1 John 1:9). If we persist in disobedience, He will chasten us in love (Heb.12:5-11). He will never permit one of His own to be lost.
- God will present us: The purpose of salvation is not simply to rescue sinners from hell, as wonderful as that is. The grand purpose is that God may be glorified for all eternity (Eph 1:6,12,14). He wants to present His Church, the bride as a beautiful and spotless and blemish less. Today, there are spots and blemishes in the church, but on that day God’s people shall be blameless. Satan will find nothing to accuse. The bride will be arrayed in the righteousness of Christ to the glory of God.
- Christ may receive glory: Glory is the sum total of all that God is and all that God does. Everything about Him is glorious! The glory of man fades as the mown grass, but the glory of God goes on eternally.
- He is the God of majesty, power and authority: Majesty means “greatness, magnificence.” Only God is great. He is King of kings and Lord of lords! Power and dominion has to do with God’s Sovereignty and rule over all things. All authority belongs to Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18), including authority over the powers of darkness (Eph 1:19-23). As we yield to Him, we share His authority and accomplish His will.
- Before all ages and forevermore ! Amen: The glory, the power, dominion and authority belongs to Him forever and ever. So God can keep us from falling and He guarantees that if we remain faithful, He will bring us into His presence and give us everlasting joy, Amen which is absolutely true.
What a magnificent doxology this is! Knowing the purpose Jude had in mind when he wrote this letter, this doxology takes on even greater significance. Jude was reminding his readers of the greatness of Jesus Christ. If only they could catch that, they would never be led astray by false teachers. Like the young man who falls in love and marries, and then no longer interested in his old girlfriends, so the believer who keeps himself “in the love of God.”
What can I learn from Jude:
Jude calls us to stand against the errors and false teaching prevailing in the church. Jude gives short commands with rude and quick blows to save the biblical truths and to stop the perverting religious generation. Although the book of Jude is very punchy, there is a time and place where we need to give such blows when the Church is breaking down with wavering thoughts. The time has come that every believer must defend the truth just as Apostle Paul said:
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete” (2 Cor.10:3-6).
- NIV Life application Bible.
- ESV Study Bible
- Ryrie study Bible.
- NIV Study Bible.
- Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament.
- The Bible Exposition Commentary by Warren W. Wiersbe
- Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary.
- Adam Clarke’s Commentary
- Wycliffe Bible commentary.
- Mathew Henry conscise
- Blue letter Bible by David Guzik.
- Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson.
- The outline Bible by Harold L Willmington.
Note: Please use this notes only as an outline, but spend more time studying the Word of God. For your questions, suggestions, and criticism, please write to me. Kati Ravikumar, Mob: +918986873994, Email: katiravikumar@gmail.com