2 Corinthians – Introduction

Let’s once again see the visits and letters of Paul to Corinthians:

First visit:  (Acts 18:1-17):  Paul came to Corinth first time alone having faced opposition in Thessalonica, Berea and Athens.  He met Aquila and Priscilla who had been thrown out of Rome by Claudius.  He also found some believing Jews.  He preached in synagogues and the ministry was continued later by Timothy and Silas who came from Philippi with the gift of money to send to Jerusalem believers. Paul was eventually expelled from the synagogue and he moved to the next door to the home of Titius Justus.  In a dream God assured him that there would be many people who would come to faith, so he continued his work. The synagogue ruler Crispus and his family members were the first converts.  Paul stayed for 18-month and established the church.

First letter:  (1cor.5:9-11):

Paul went from Corinth to Ephesus. From Ephesus he went to Jerusalem and then to Antioch.  On his return to Ephesus, he learned that the Corinthian church has backslidden with debauchery and sexual immorality and idolatry food etc. Then he sent a hasty strong letter to Corinth to put things straight, but it has backfired as a messenger from Chloe’s household came and told him. This letter could be (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1) because it sounds so direct,  or it may have been lost  or the Holy Spirit has not allowed to put it in the Cannon.

Second letter:

Paul Sent another letter (which is actually the First Epistle to Corinthians which is in our Bible) through Timothy. Timothy was an young man but he was timid. Paul was intending to go Macedonia after spending some time in Ephesus as the ministry in Ephesus was quite fruitful. But Timothy sent a report that despite Paul’s letter (First Epistle to Corinthians) the Corinthians were behaving worse.

Paul’s Second visit:  (2 Cor.2:1):  Paul’s second visit was a disaster and immediately he had to leave. Some of the church members did not want him to remain in Corinth and called themselves as apostles even.  So he left immediately.

Third letter:  (2 Cor.7:8ff):   After leaving Corinth, Paul sent the third letter through Titus which was very severe and demanding asking the people to deal with the opposition and sinful people.  Titus was a tough man.  He was competent to sort out many problems. This letter is also believed to be lost or it may be (2 Cor. 10-13) or the Holy Spirit did not allow it to exist in the Bible.